New work

Just added some recent new work in the portfolio. An illustration about toxic relationships for Real Women magazine, and an illustration to show you some improvised home workout hacks in quarantine for the Washington Post. Stay safe and healthy out there.

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Taste, that Temptation

Just got a copy of “Taste, that Temptation” I illustrated for Nikebooks in Korea. The book focuses on the “rich hints and symbols hidden in the food of books” that can be easily missed by readers. The book is a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the authors knowledge and interpretation of the food used as metaphorical tools that define the characters in each work and reflect political, social and cultural characteristics of the time and place. The cover references Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Lots of other great and diverse literature are included in the book, Emma, The Great Gatsby, The Vegetarian..


New work for The Boston Globe

latest illustration for the Boston Globe accompanied a feature about the Big BIO Convention and the US Conference of Mayors, both being held in Boston this June.

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New cover for LSA magazine

A recent cover illustration for LSA magazine, alumni magazine for the University of Michigan's College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. It's about getting people to listen and communication in this tumultuous time.

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I've been doing these fun little doodles with 2 colors. Follow me on Instagram: to see the new doodles everyday.

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Paris trip

The Maison et Objet show was a success in Paris! It's an honor to work with the wonderful people at Image Republic on my collection of prints. Go pick up some art at BHV stores in Paris! 


New work for BYU Marriott Alumni Magazine

A new illustration to accompany an article on completing what you begin. The author shares personal examples of times when she’s failed in life, and the importance of not quitting. 

Image Republic collaboration

So excited to be working with Image Republic in Paris on the Why LA? Pourquoi Paris? collection. You can pick up prints of my art from Image Republic now at

Photos by Image Republic.